Welcome to the Ambush

The collective noun for a group of tigers is an ambush or a streak

Friday 23 March 2012

SpecialEffect Update 23 March 2012

I know most of you come to the SE Tigers' blogsite for news about our cricket fixtures, to see what fellow members of the ambush have to say about themselves and generally enjoy some cricket banter.

But once a week - and it will be once a week - whoever you are and whatever your motivations are for playing for or following the Tigers, I'd like to draw your attention back to the 'SE' bit of our name. It stands for SpecialEffect, the fantastic charity we represent, and it is the reason we all pull on those orange and green shirts and take to the cricket fields of Oxfordshire every summer.

I'm not asking you to do anything here but give up five minutes of your time to follow the link and read about the wonderful work that Mick and the SpecialEffect team are doing in providing the means for young people with disabilities to communicate and enjoy computer games.

Like I say, it'll take five minutes. So go here to read the latest SpecialEffect update.

See you when you get back!

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