Welcome to the Ambush

The collective noun for a group of tigers is an ambush or a streak

Friday, 9 March 2012

Summer Past Feature: 2009 season

As many of you know, for some inexplicable reason, the old Tigers blogsite was taken down without warning in July last year. With it went all the old match reports, scorecards etc.

So, over the next few weeks, in a Summers Past feature, I'm aiming to get the records of past Tigers' matches back up on the blogsite. Well, the records I still have anyway.

We're going to start with the team photo from our first ever game in May 2009 against The London Badgers. On a blisteringly hot day at Charlbury CC the Tigers beat an under-strength Badgers side.

Anyway, here's the line up from that day ...

Back row: Steve 'Alan' Brackley, Chris Grain, John Grain, Baz Floyd, Mick Donegan
Front Row: Dave 'Herby' Williams, A.J. Smith,Tom Buswell, Bill Donegan, James Harrison, Nic Yeoman

Happily, most of the Tigers pictured still play for us regularly.

Herby Williams and A.J. 'Hands Please' Smith were two of the stars of the day, putting on a stand of sixty-odd. Both have since hung up their Tigers shirts but we still hold out hope of seeing them in the orange and green again one day.

Tom Buswell, a superb quickie who formed a hostile attack alongside Steve Brackley has since moved to the United States with his wife. Darn those Americans!

All the other Tigers pictured are still part of the ambush.

I shall try and find the scorecard for the Tigers' debut against The London Badgers and get it up as the next Summers Past feature.

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