Welcome to the Ambush

The collective noun for a group of tigers is an ambush or a streak

Friday, 25 October 2013

Bashing the Boundaries

You'll know from the last post that SpecialEffect Tigers are in the fortunate position of having some excellent batsmen in the ranks of the Ambush. 

But who are the agile and speedy Tigers between the wickets and who likes to watch the ball shoot through to the boundary or sail straight over it.

A quick trawl back through the 2013 season records tells us that of the top performing Tigers with the bat this season, Steve Dobson scored 67.44% of his runs from boundaries. In fact, of his total 86 runs for the Tigers last summer, he didn't bother running 58 of them. With seven 4's and five 6's to his name, that's one aggressive Tiger.

Dobbo ... aggressive enough to be branded a dangerous breed

Next in the aggression table is our Hass Mohsin who scored 57.94% of his 107 runs across the boundary. Eleven 4's and three 6's to his 2013 tally, Hass likes to dish out the punishment to bowlers ... specially those bowling outside his off stump.

Hass ... the flashing blade of the Tigers

Skipper Chris Grain scored more boundaries than any other Tiger last season with twenty-three 4's and just the one 6. Of his total 187 runs 52.40% of them crossed the big white line.

Skipper Chris Grain ... licensed to drive

Which leaves the considered Tim Lowe. Ever the thoughtful batsman, Tim clocked up fourteen 4's and one 6 through the season giving him 41.89% of 148 runs as boundaries.

Tim Lowe ... The Thinker ... he'll think about it then despatch you to the boundary anyway

Big hitting Tigers ... we salute you!   

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